Zach Price has long been a lover of the outdoors. You can find him many weekends kayaking, canoeing, sailing, hiking with family, and visiting state parks across Ohio.
While he is an outdoor enthusiast, he is also a huge fan of educational opportunities related to nature. In fact, he used to be a professional rock and ice climbing guide; and, in 2008, was part of a duo facilitating a nationwide educational program to combat ‘nature deficit’ by encouraging kids to experience the outdoors in a setting close to them. As part of that, he and his partner set a world record for reaching the highest point in every state in the United States in under 50 days! His love of nature continues to inspire his career as an architect and partner with Triad.
Get to know a little bit more about Zach.

“What is your favorite Ohio State Park?”
I’m sure it sounds cliché to say I don’t have a favorite, but every park has something unique to offer. I know, because my wife and our family have been to many of the state parks in Ohio and stayed at most of the lodges. They make for wonderful, affordable weekend trips and have amazing amenities.
But if you made me pick one, I’d have to say Delaware State Park because of its proximity to my home. It’s an incredible natural wildlife refuge on the edge of a major metropolitan community.
“Why do you choose to support the Ohio State Parks Foundation?
I’m passionate about parks, in general; but, the OSPF, specifically, is an incredible example of a public/private partnership that works for the greater good of everyone in Ohio. I understand the inherent challenges and constraints of State budgets and the use of public tax dollars to keep our parks operating and well-maintained. The OSPF is an excellent way to help fund improvements and amenities that may otherwise go unrealized. A few of the examples that come immediately to mind for me are Storybook Trails and ADA access for kayakers.
“Share three Ohio State Parks that are on your list to visit this year.”
I will definitely be at Alum Creek and Delaware State Parks since I live about equal distance from both and consider them my backyard. I’ll let my wife make the decision on the third but will definitely advocate for the new Hocking Lodge in the near future.
“What is your most memorable experience at an Ohio State Park?”
I have so many great ones, but the essence of them all is just about connecting with longtime friends and extended family in a setting and on a budget that works for all of us. The great thing about staying at an Ohio State Park is how reasonably priced the experience can be. Whether we’re just going for a day, tent camping, or renting a cabin, it’s a very reasonably priced experience. That’s important because every family has different life situations and budget limitations. It’s an amazing option for all of us and always results in the most enjoyable times with the best memories.

I enjoyed reading about Zach and his family’s dedication to our state park system. We’re lucky in Ohio to have so many state parks where one is always close to someone living in Ohio. Also I agree with Zach that we need to reconnect with nature and our state park are an excellent way to do so!